Meet Lucy of And Company Creations
Meet Lucy of And Company Creations, who creates zero waste, reusable products.
Introduce yourself and your business.
Hello, I’m Lucy. I have a background in fashion and textile design and a keen interest in all things sustainable; two things that often don’t get along with each other.
I have a passion for keeping the earth happy and have over the years slowly changed the way I consume. This led me to reusing materials and making products for the home, mainly just for myself, but then I started to make (and couldn’t stop making) these for my friends who enjoyed them as much as I did. So the brand started as a hobby and is still going as a hobby!
I have a passion for keeping the earth happy and have over the years slowly changed the way I consume. This led me to reusing materials and making products for the home, mainly just for myself, but then I started to make (and couldn’t stop making) these for my friends who enjoyed them as much as I did. So the brand started as a hobby and is still going as a hobby!
How do you stay creative?
I always have a project on the go. I’m not very good at sitting still and doing nothing, being crafty is how I relax. If I couldn’t create I think I would go insane!
Is this your full time gig? If not, what is your day job?
Nope, this is my side gig. I am currently working as a designer and production manager for a start up women’s bike wear brand here in Vancouver. It’s an awesome brand and I’m super excited to see where it goes.
Were you born and raised in the Vancouver area or do you come from afar?
I was not. I was born and raised in England and decided to give Canada a try (thanks to the Dad, I inherited a Canadian passport!) Five years on and I think the trial period is over and I just can’t leave! There’s so much to do here and I haven’t even scratched the surface.
Tell us about your favorite customer?
Everyone is my favourite customer because it means one less disposable product has been bought and won’t be clogging up landfill. It warms me when my customers really appreciate the product, not only the zero waste, reusable aspect, but the time and effort that goes into making each piece.
Tell us about how your product is made. What is your favourite part?
I create zero waste, reusable products. I started with the dish cloth and hankie. My absolute favourite part is choosing the lovely fabrics. I also love seeing products come together, it gives me satisfaction when I have a completed pile of products.

What’s the most challenging part of your business?
Finding the time to do everything! There are just never enough hours in the day and I have a constant list that never seems to get any shorter.
What do you wish customers knew about you or your business?
How much time and effort actually goes into making products, even the simplest ones.
Is your workshop / creative space neat & tidy or a beautiful mess?
It depends on what day it is! For the most part my workspace (aka a table in my bedroom) it’s an organised mess. However, I do find I work better when everything is tidy and in its place. Tidy space = tidy head. My dream is to have a studio space that is not my bedroom.